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When an Open Relationship Comes at a Price

A mutually agreed upon non-monogamous arrangement can be a lot of fun. It can also be a lot of work!

Ethical non-monogamy can look different for each couple. For some, it may mean casual dating or “friends with benefits” relationships. For others, it may involve swinging — or even sex with other couples.

1. You’ll have to deal with jealousy

Jealousy is a common problem that can arise in open relationships. Jealousy can feel like a threat to your partner’s commitment and trust, which can be damaging. It can also cause you to question whether this type of relationship is right for you. It’s important to discuss jealousy with your partner and to have clear sexual boundaries from the beginning of your open relationship – This fragment showcases the research of the website’s editorial team

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to agree to an open relationship without having had this discussion with your partner beforehand. This can lead to feelings of resentment and a lack of communication. Having this conversation will help you establish rules and boundaries around your relationship, such as how many partners you can have, who you can hook up with, and whether or not you can have penetrative sex. It’s also important to have a plan for how you’ll manage external jealousy triggers, such as your partner seeing someone else or using birth control outside of the relationship.

Read also:  What is Open Relationship?

Some people mistakenly believe that non-monogamous people don’t experience jealousy, but this is simply untrue. Just as with any other relationship, jealousy is a normal human emotion that can affect even the most loving and committed couple. If you’re having trouble dealing with jealousy in your open relationship, consider seeking the support of a therapist together.

2. You’ll have to manage more than one partner

When entering an open relationship, it’s important to be able to talk about your boundaries and expectations from the start. These conversations can be emotional, but they’re also necessary to keep everyone happy and healthy. You’ll need to discuss what types of outside relationships are okay, whether they include sexual relationships or only emotional connections, and how often you and your partner will check in on each other’s interactions with others.

This isn’t a simple task, but it is possible to make an open relationship work for you. If you’re struggling to communicate with your partner about these topics, it may be time to seek couples therapy. Seeing a therapist who specializes in working with couples can help you improve your communication skills and learn how to have these difficult conversations without putting each other down.

It’s also essential to consider how much jealousy you can handle. If you have a lot of jealousy issues, an open relationship might not be the best fit for you. However, if you’re honest with yourself and your partner about why you want an open relationship, it can be a great way to spice up your relationship and increase intimacy.

Read also:  How to Deal With Jealousy in an Open Relationship

Just be sure to be frank with your partner about what you’re comfortable with. If you’re only agreeing to an open relationship as a way to save your current relationship, it likely won’t end well.

3. You’ll have to deal with the potential for infidelity

In a relationship, there’s always the potential for infidelity. In an open relationship, this becomes even more of a problem, especially if one or both partners are exploring other relationships outside the primary one. This can lead to jealousy and distrust between the couple, which isn’t healthy for their connection.

It’s important to discuss sexual boundaries with your partner from the start of any open relationship and to agree on what those are. For example, you might set a boundary that allows for penetrative sex but not oral sex, or that you both wear condoms or dental dams whenever sex is taking place. It’s also a good idea to have an ongoing conversation about safety and protection, as the more people you bring into your sexual circle, the higher your risk for STIs.

If you’re considering an open relationship, it’s best not to do so as a last-ditch attempt to save a failing marriage or relationship. Opening up your relationship to non-monogamy won’t solve any underlying problems and will only make them worse.

Read also:  Why Does My Boyfriend Want an Open Relationship?

Instead, if you’re feeling lonely or bored in your primary relationship, work with a couples therapist to help you explore ways to improve it. An open relationship can be a healthy and fun way to explore your feelings about love and commitment, but it isn’t a solution for those who aren’t ready for monogamy.

4. You’ll have to manage your time

It’s important to be able to prioritize your time and energy in an open relationship. This can mean having to say no to outside hookups when you’re already committed to another person or limiting the amount of time you spend with outside partners. It also means being honest about what you want in a relationship. If your partner isn’t willing to be open to outside relationships, you may need to look elsewhere.

It’ll also be a good idea to discuss what the boundaries will be in terms of your and your partner’s sexuality. For example, you’ll need to decide whether or not outside relationships will be allowed and how to manage your birth control. You’ll also need to agree on safe sex guidelines, like using condoms or dental dams and scheduling regular check-ins with your doctor for STI screenings.

Finally, it’s a good idea to be savagely honest about why you want an open relationship. If it’s only because you think it’ll make your relationship better, or because you feel pressured by family or friends, that probably won’t be a healthy situation for you.