throw pillow on bed frame

The Best Bed Height For Sex

A platform bed is low to the ground and uses wooden slats to support your mattress. It can look very sleek, modern and stylish in most bedrooms and usually doesn’t need a box spring.

It’s also great for those who use positions that involve standing off of the bed.


Choosing the right bed height will determine how close you can get to your partner without feeling like you are too high or too low. It will also give you more room for sex-related positions and help to maintain the rhythm of sexual activity. It is best to choose a larger size of mattress- a queen or king will provide plenty of space for play.

The firmness of the mattress will also affect how well it facilitates sex. A firmer mattress will be less bouncy and more responsive to movement. However, if it is too hard, it may cause pressure points that are uncomfortable or painful. Most people report that medium soft to firm beds are most comfortable for sex.

In addition, a mattress should be able to support positions where you or your partner are leaning over the edge of the bed. The edges of the mattress should be rounded and offer enough support that you can stay balanced on the surface without falling off. If you are the type of person that enjoys position-based sex, having the right amount of cushion and support will make those moments even more satisfying.

A good option is a hybrid mattress, which offers the benefits of both memory foam and innerspring mattresses. These types of mattresses are often stable and silent, and they can provide enough support to keep knees, elbows, hands and feet comfortably supported.

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While a soft mattress might feel comfortable in the store, if you and your partner both sink too deeply into it during lovemaking, it can limit your positions. Firmer mattresses are more responsive to movement, bouncing back quickly after each move to make it easier to shift your position without disrupting the rhythm of sex.

Look for a mattress that is thick enough to provide plenty of cushioning for pressure points such as knees, buttocks, elbows, and hands. This can help alleviate discomfort and reduce the likelihood of chafing, which is also a common complaint for couples during sexual activity.

Natural latex mattresses are often considered the best for sex because of their durability and ability to support couples comfortably from head to toe. They won’t compress, mash down, or develop the “gulley” in the middle of the mattress that occurs with petroleum-based polyurethane foam beds over time.

Ensure that your mattress is at the right height to facilitate a variety of sexy positions, including sitting and crouching. Check that the edge of the bed is high enough to allow you to stand up and lean over it, if desired (like when you’re riding your partner or getting fucked from behind). Make sure your mattress and box spring are tall enough for you to do this, otherwise you’ll need to place your sexy frame on top of the mattress.

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Edge Support

The height of your mattress can be a major factor when it comes to sexy positions in bed. Taller beds tend to have more surface area that can be used during sexual activities but a tall bed can also be harder for couples to maneuver in and out of without the need for excessive stretching. Shorter beds on the other hand are easier for couples to move around and can be safer if you’re going to fall or roll out of bed (though that can still happen with any type of mattress).

Many couples prefer mattresses with good edge support to allow a more diverse range of position options. Mattresses with poor edge support are more difficult to move on, limit the play surface and can cause the dreaded “gap in the middle” or “divided wall effect” that is so frustrating during sex. A hybrid, innerspring or natural latex mattress usually offers the best edge support as they are durable and don’t compress or develop deep body impressions like petroleum based polyurethane foam.

Lore recommends a mattress with a thick seam at the edge of the mattress which is great for providing a sturdy spot to hold on when you’re getting orgasmic or if your partner needs to support you as they climb to their feet. The other benefit of a seam at the edge is that it will help to keep sheets on the mattress and not on the floor which can be messy and slippery.

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The best bed height for sex is all about comfort and positioning. While many couples spend a big portion of their lives in bed for sleeping and crossword puzzles, the bed is also the center of lovemaking. During sex, a mattress needs to be firm and responsive to the movement of a partner. The bed also needs to feel cool and not too warm.

A reversible surface is another feature to look for in the best mattress for sex, as it can provide a different feel depending on your preference and sexual position. For example, the Layla Hybrid features one side that feels soft and has a medium-soft (4) feel, while the other side is firmer and has a more traditional coil and foam construction. This provides a more responsive feeling for those who want to sex on their backs or stomachs.

In addition to considering a comfortable sleep surface, the best bed for sex should be easy to move on and not loud or squeak when moved. Lore recommends a low to the ground frame that’s held up by short wooden legs as opposed to taller frames that may require a box spring, or that are suspended from a metal frame that could sway like a skyscraper in a windstorm.

Natural latex mattresses are also a good choice for sex because they are stable and silent. They also offer enough support to keep the knees, buttocks and elbows of both partners comfortable and prevent achy joints. And, unlike memory foam beds, they won’t compress and develop gulleys in the middle that can cause friction.